Atonement Young Adult Group (A.Y.A.G.)

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Mission Statement : 

The U.S. bishops have identified four goals for ministry with young adults.


Goal One: Connecting Young Adults with Jesus Christ
To foster the personal and communal growth and education of young adults toward a relationship with Jesus Christ leading to Christian maturity.

Goal Two: Connecting Young Adults with the Church
To make contact with young adults and to invite and welcome them to participate in the life and mission of the Christian community, which proclaims Jesus Christ by preaching the Gospel.

Goal Three: Connecting Young Adults with the Mission of the Church in the World
To invite young adults, through healthy relationships, work, and studies, to embrace the mission of Christ to promote the building of the kingdom of God in the world today, thereby bringing about the transformation of society.

Goal Four: Connecting Young Adults with a Peer Community
To help young adults develop relationships with peers who share similar values and beliefs which nurture and strengthen their faith, thereby creating communities of support.

Needs : Occasional use of spaces for events.

Join us

We have a bi-weekly Bible Study meetings on the second and fourth Friday of the month from 6:30-8pm in the Atonement Academy School building. 

We have a monthly post-mass lunch, please check the bulletin for details.
You can also email us at: [email protected] for more details and to RSVP to the lunches.

We are also working on other events in order to continue to build a solid and strong community.

Feel free to email us with any questions or to join our GroupMe. 

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