God's Comfort in Loss is a ministry dedicated to providing comfort to mothers and fathers after miscarriage, stillbirth or infant loss. The group was created in 2021 by ladies of Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church in San Antonio, Texas.
Our ministry leadership team is comprised of mothers who have had miscarriages, and our hope is to provide grieving parents the opportunity for healing through comfort care packages, a monthly support group, one on one conversation with spiritual support, referrals, resources and more.
Through generous gifts of time, talent and treasure, our ministry is run solely by volunteers and all services are offered free of charge. We thank our home parish of Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church for their overwhelming support and all of our contributors and prayer warriors around the globe. We are truly blessed and grateful for each of you.
Support Our Ministry:
To contribute to our ministry online, please follow the link and under “Fund” select God’s Comfort in Loss Donations. DONATE TO GCL
All donations are tax deductible. Please contact us at the time of the donation if you would like to have us send you a letter of acknowledgment for your tax records.
If you would like to donate an item to our ministry, join our leadership team, or support us by bringing our ministry to your business or another parish, please email us at [email protected]
What We Do:
Comfort Care Packages
God’s Comfort in Loss will deliver or mail Comfort Care Packages with items for Mothers and Fathers anywhere in the United States upon request. You may request a care package by filling out the form below or simply emailing us with your name and address.
*Packages May Include:
- Miscarriage Resource Books
- Spiritual Cards, Prayers, Novenas
- Rosary and Holy Water
- Personal Care and Comfort Items
- Memorial Keepsakes
- Mother's Remembrance Jewelry
- Father's Prayer and Letter to a Father
- Remembrance Gift for Fathers
- Resource Book for Fathers
- Healing Journal
- Certificate of Love
Spiritual Support:
We are blessed by the support of our pastor at Our Lady of the Atonement Catholic Church who has approved a monthly mass intention for our ministry and for “God’s Children” which started in November 2021. A reminder is posted for our monthly mass on our Facebook page if you are local and would like to attend.
We also have an official Prayer Coordinator who adds parents, families and little saints to our ministry prayer list and ensures they are prayed for by name. Additionally our ministry team will keep you and your babies in our personal prayer intentions.
Referrals and Resources:
There are many resources available to mothers and fathers who have experienced the loss of their child but it can be overwhelming or hard to find. We are happy to provide a list of resources for most topics and questions that may arise. If you would like to seek professional counseling, we have a list of recommended therapists as well. Please email us for our full resource packet and referral list. Here are a few that we find most helpful:
If you are looking for information on the physical process of a miscarriage or stillbirth, the church teachings regarding our babies, and finding books about loss, please visit: www.catholicmiscarriagesupport.com/
For further Catholic grief support including retreats for both mothers and fathers, spiritual direction, and small group sessions, we encourage you to find Red Bird Ministries by visiting www.redbird.love/
Upcoming Events:
November 5th & 6th – Envelope Collection after Mass
December 3rd & 4th – Envelope Collection after Mass
December 17th – Christmas Bazaar
“…then came that unforgettable night when my sister told me she was having a miscarriage of twin babies. I felt my heart break into pieces… But instead of breaking down, a feeling of hope for strength and healing came to my thoughts as I remembered the ministry… Once the boxes arrived, my sister could not stop crying - not because she was being reminded of her loss, but for the strength each piece and words of comfort brought since it meant that the lives that once were growing inside her were now being recognized… Part of what the box provides is an opportunity for the whole family to share the pain and support the mother’s healing process. Together they acknowledge the loss of a family member and support each other… Understanding that they will forever be remembered as part of the family.”
-Letter from a family member of a care box recipient
“Thank you so much! I cannot tell you how much that care package meant…it arrived on the perfect day and it was an overwhelming healing experience to open it. Everything in there was so thoughtfully done and generously included. Thank you. I am most grateful for each of your help and prayers. It has been such a terrible loss. I have had some really sad days. But overall, I’m really consoled knowing that in God’s will is our peace.”
-Letter from a mother who miscarried
Patron Saint:
Our patron saint is Saint Philomena, a young martyr, whose remains were stumbled upon in the Catacombs in 1802. Soon after the discovery, many miracles began to occur and devotion to St. Philomena spread quickly including among other saints such as St. John Vianney and St. Peter Marie Louis Chanel. She is the patroness of infants, babies, and youth and her feast day is August 11th. Our leadership team has found great comfort in St. Philomena and President, Marcela Elsner had the privilege to visit her in Mugnano del Cardinale. It is our wish that parents know more about her and trust in her intercession.
St. Philomena, Powerful With God, Pray For Us.
Want to bring our ministry to another parish or business? Please reach out and we will send a parish packet with our pamphlets, business cards, poster, and sample of our care packages so that our services are accessible to anyone in need.
Contact Us:
Email: [email protected]
Facebook Page: /GodsComfortinLossMiscarriageMinistry-SanAntonio
YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFc-DQ-X19fyI18V5-jOcw
Donations may also be mailed to:
God’s Comfort in Loss Ministry
Maria Loomis
15415 Red Robin Rd.
San Antonio, TX 78255