Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Mission Statement
The mission of Adoration is simple yet so necessary for the welfare of mankind: To thank and adore our Savior Jesus Christ for His sacrificial love for us and to make reparation for sins and offenses against His most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Through Adoration we bring about a greater love of the Trinity. We bring praise and thanksgiving, our sins and brokenness, our prayers and pleas, all of which bring comfort to our Lord and His Mother. Eucharistic Adoration is an intimate, face-to-face encounter with Jesus Christ. It builds stronger marriages, unifies families, and increases vocations to the religious life. Eucharistic Adoration brings untold blessings to our parish and to those who come to adore!
Adoration is Sacrificial
Our weekend adoration depends on hourly “relay teams” of committed weekly adorers to continue our ministry. It is a sacrificial offering of love to commit to a specific hour each weekend, and is encouraged to give yourself the personal discipline of regular adoration. This also helps adorers to be faithful to their scheduled hours, because they know that Jesus cannot be left alone in the monstrance.
During His Eucharistic discourse, Jesus said “Indeed this is the will of my Heavenly Father, that everyone who looks upon the Son and believes in Him, shall have eternal life. Him I will raise up on the last day” (Jn 6:40)
Mother Teresa of Calcutta said “When you look at the crucifix, you understand how much Jesus loved you. When you look at the Sacred Host, you understand how much Jesus loves you now.”
Our History or Patron Saint
We have had weekend adoration at our Lady of the Atonement for over 30 years. We are blessed to have an adoration chapel connected to the main sanctuary. Beginning in 2019, our beautiful Sacred Heart Chapel is open 24x7. All are welcome to visit and pray at any time.
Our patron saint is the most perfect of all saints: St. Mary, Holy Mother of God.
Why? She is Queen of all Saints, Queen of the Universe, and was the first Living Tabernacle of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
We are always in need of committed adorers. You do not have to be a registered parishioner, only a desire to adore with us during our weekend schedule.
Contact Info:
Catherine School
(210) 275-5104 (Text only please)